Wednesday, August 6, 2008


This afternoon while washing dishes I looked outside through the widow across the yard and up the hill there was a mother doe with her two young ones eating care free with no worries. It made me smile and filled my heart with joy, our housing plan is 19 years + or - years old. There used to be a lot of deer roaming around our house when we bought it then it stopped. I thought they moved to another location, occasionally one would show up briefly then would not see them for awhile. A red fox also walked by twice going up the sewer drainage path then he turned around and walked back into the woods. Haven’t seen a fox for a long time here it was refreshing to see him and the deer both out and about the neighborhood.
With all the new building of apartment complexes in the neighborhood going up it is nice to sit down and enjoy the wild life, as the circle of life continues without us as they have adapted to their new surroundings. Every spring the geese and ducks have their little ones without fail, some survive and most don’t. Only the strong ones will, sometimes none do due to food chain of life around the pond, our pond is 100 years old. I love to watch the hawk soar high into the sky, the flight of the blue heron with his long legs trailing behind him, the smaller birds attacking the hawk to protect their young, and all the birds crying out because a black snake is in the tree.
Take time to enjoy nature around you, a star lit sky with a full moon, beautiful sunset with the most amazing colors, sunrise over the ocean is breathe taking, take a ride in the fall to see the leaves put on their show of color, take a walk and see the waterfalls and their power, or just take a walk around your neighborhood an really look at the flowers, different trees, kids laughing and playing and enjoy life to its fullest.